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  • Writer's pictureSarah Covey

Ask a Therapist: On Gathering

Q: I feel like I am living disconnected from the people around me. Ever since Covid, I have noticed that I just don’t get together with others the way I used to but I’m not sure if it is worth the effort to come together anymore. Why should I bother?

A: So many people reported feelings of isolation and loneliness as a result of Covid lockdowns and protocols that led to a whole host of mental health concerns including - but not limited to - increased anxiety, depression, disordered eating, substance abuse, relational conflict, and suicidality. Disconnection is a serious problem when it comes to the pursuit of a healthy life and seeking to reconnect with others in regular and meaningful ways is always worth the effort. Inertia continues to play a role in people re-engaging with their lives since the pandemic. So many of us got used to a life lived primarily online and separated from the presence of others that we lost touch with how important it is to physically be together. Once our usual gatherings - parties, holidays, work events, church services, clubs, sports, weddings, funerals, and other social events - were brought to a halt we had to adapt to a life lived in isolation with screen time as the primary form of “connection”. In some ways, we acclimatized to that existence and forgot how much the physical presence of others in our lives is directly proportional to our overall well-being. Just like other habits, if you lose momentum with them, it can be difficult to get back on track so your struggle with motivation is understandable. However, let this be the encouragement you need to get back out there! You will not regret making time with people a regular part of your life again. We cannot be truly healthy when we are isolated. We are meant to live in community - surrounded by friends, family, neighbours, and colleagues. The research is clear that social support is a necessary and integral part of a life lived well. So, start where you are to prioritize being with others again. Make that lunch date with a friend. Join a choir or cooking class. Order pizza to share with friends. Sign up for a sport this fall. Go back to church. Join a book club. Join a support or therapy group. Host a backyard potluck. Work a few days back in the office instead of at home. Go visit friends for the weekend. Go for a walk with a neighbour. Take one step at a time towards more connection in your day to day life. We need each other. We heal when we come together with life-giving others and in meaningful groups. Gathering is essential to our thriving. So, let’s get together soon! Covey Wellness Centre is hosting a webinar entitled WHY WE GATHER: How coming together in groups is a powerful tool to support your wellness on Wednesday September 13th at 8pm. GET YOUR TICKETS on the EVENTBRITE app TODAY! Our wellness bookshop - which smells and feels like a spa - is open to the public every day except Sunday. Submit the form on our Contact page to book an appointment or to inquire about our products and services or simply drop by for a visit any day other than Sunday. Follow us on social media @coveywellnesscentre for resources, inspiration, and information.

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