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Covey Wellness Centre

4 Easy Ways to Savour the Rest of Your Summer Today

The summer season is still upon us. Let's savour it!

  1. Name your favourite summer sounds and smells. Sights are not included here because there’s something extra memorable about sounds and smells. What are your favourite summer sounds and smells? Notice them. Every time. Let them serve as a visceral reminder to savour the summer.

  2. Name what matters most about the remainder of the summer. Is it connecting with your family? Do you have kids going back to school or about to move out for college? Maybe what matters most is finishing a personal project. Or maybe summer is a full-speed-ahead season for you professionally. Name what matters most about the seasons you are in and give yourself permission to focus on and live out those priorities. As Emily P. Freeman says, finish this sentence: “These are the days of…” and then use that as a clarifying reminder.

  3. Indulge in a local farming delight. The season is ripe and ready for the picking - literally! What are your local farmers harvesting now? Take a drive through the nearby countryside with a little cash to find some fresh farm stands or plan to visit your community farmers market and savour the goodness of the seasonal harvest. You’ll delight your farmer and yourself with the tastes of summer!

  4. Savour the summer nights outside. Whether you’re working full time, you’re juggling young children all day or embracing retired life, summer nights are something special, aren’t they? Don’t miss the cool evening air that doesn’t require a coat. Eat outside. Sit outside. Sip outside. Visit outside. Savour outside on a summer night. Watch the sunset and the stars dazzle. Drink it all in.

Whatever you do, don’t let the remaining weeks of summer slip by unsavoured.

Thank you to bestselling author @thelazygenius for inspiring these savouring summer ideas. Her brilliant book The Lazy Genius Way is available in our bookshop!


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